Prof. Francesco Spinelli

Prof. Francesco Spinelli

Prof. Francesco Spinelli hospitaly

Prof. Francesco Spinelli

Head of Cardiovascular Surgery


  • Surgery sovraaortic trunks (carotid, subclavian, vertebral)
  • Aorta and great vessels with minimally invasive techniques
  • Surgery of the superior and inferior vena cava
  • Surgical and endovascular revascularization of the limbs for limb salvage
  • Treatment of primary and secondary malignant disease of blood vessels
  • Endovascular treatment of aneurysms


  • Head of UOC of Vascular Surgery, University Hospital Campus Bio-Medico, 2014
  • Professor of Vascular Surgery, University Campus Bio-Medico of Rome, 2001 – 2014
  • Professor of Vascular Surgery, University of Messina, 2001 – 2005
  • Director of the Postgraduate School of Vascular Surgery, University of Messina, 1997 – 2014
  • Director of the Institute of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery, University of Messina and the Unit Complex Director of Vascular Surgery of the University Hospital, 1987 – 2001
  • Associate Professor of Vascular Surgery, University of Messina, 1984 – 1988
  • Consultant, Vascular Surgery, Institute of Surgery of the Heart and Big Vases, Sapienza University of Rome, 1981 – 1987
  • Researcher in General Surgery and Vascular Surgery, Sapienza University of Rome, 1986


  • Specialization in Vascular Surgery, Sapienza University of Rome, 1981 – 1984
  • Assistant, Service de Chirurgie vasculaire, Saint-Joseph Hospital in Paris, 1980
  • Specialization in General Surgery, Sapienza University of Rome, 1975 
  • Specialization in Surgery of the Digestive Tract, Sapienza University of Rome, 1972
  • Degree in Medicine and Surgery, University of Messina

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